Very tube-friendly monitor speakers?

I want to setup a second system consisting of a SET integrated (at this point looks like Antique Sound Labs or Unison) around 3 to 10 Watts. I want much more efficient speakers than my Paradigm Reference 100.2s so as to not have to stress my new little amp, leaving the Paradigms with my beloved McIntosh SS setup. By my calculations, i would like a monitor of 93dB or more sensitivity. And to make it even harder, I would like to keep it around $1000 or less, new preferred but used not out of the question. Any comments, suggestions, questions welcome. Thanks! Arthur
Get the Omega from Louis Chochos. Telephone number in Connecticut is 203-847-2800. Great reviews on Enjoy The Music and TNT websites. I own a pair, I dig 'em.
I own coincident speakers and love them. The triumphs retail for about $1199.
The early versions of the LS3/5A were at 15 ohms impedance and later production models were 11 ohms. I believe current production (available only mail order from UK) are 11 ohms. All models were around 82-84db sensitivity so driving them with small watts is questionable. There is a website totally dedicated to the speaker,
I like the Omega TS1. Very cool. Thanks for all the input. I guess now it is time to decide! Arthur
If you are looking for small, I would agree with the Soliloquy SM2A3, for larger applications, definitely look into the Coincident line.