What determines speaker distance?

What determines the spacing between the speakers? I've seen a 1.3 formula for setting the distance between each. If I have a 9 foot distance from the speakers to the listening chair that would make the spacing approx 7 feet? Seems a little wide to get a good soundstage. Are there are any other "general" guidelines for getting a basic spacing between the two?
Of course all this depends on your room etc., but a pretty good rule of thumb is an equilateral triangle. Maybe, you(the listener) just a tad furthur away from the speakers. If your speakers are 8 feet apart you should be at least 8 feet, perhaps, in some cases 9 feet from your speakers. Just one of those rules with a zillion exceptions. Listen and thee shall hear....warren
I couldn't help myself- the question had me rolling on the floor. But seriously, What I meant to say is put 'em where they sound the best to you....
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