Merlin VMS versus VMPS RM-40 versus Proac 3.8

Has anyone had a chance to listen and compare any of these speakers? Unfortunately there are not dealers nearby, so any input you can give is much appreciated. They will probably be paired with Pass amplification and Tact 2.0 room correction used as a pre.


For the record, VMPS ribbons are from Canada, not China. The woofers Brain Cheney manufactures himself. They are not outsourced. VMPS does not use low quality parts in anything. The cabinet may not look as pretty as other boutique speaker manufacturers, but they get the job done and keep costs down. It's the sound that matters most.

AudioAsylum member JonBee owns VMPS 626R and MERLIN VSM Gen III and Revel M20s, he prefers the VMPS over all. They are more detailed than most any speaker. Detail is not something they lack.

With regards to the high frequency dispersion, the latest FST tweeter largely corrects this problem. They are certainly not perfect, but they give up nothing to the Merlin IMO.
Why all the defensive posts on VMPS? Here's some more details on VMPS' speakers, just so everyone realizes that they are damn good, but NOT the absolute gestalt of speaker designs which are not built to a price point.

As I stated in my prior post, Brian pulled off an incredible feat with his RM-40 design IMHO. He managed to offer a full range kick ass speaker for around $5k that has many qualities of $25k+ speakers made just a few years ago.

Now, "just for the record" here is where the VMPS speakers are not absolutely perfect (but again, damnnnnnnn good!):

Those circular ribbon tweeters ARE made in CHINA at under $40 a pop. They are really good for the money but are NOT perfect by any means! Slightly colored as compared to the best of the best ribbons or domes (at $235 to $1100 a pop!).

There is a response dip in the RM-40's above 15Khz due to cancellation effects that the two tweeters interaction causes. The new single tweeter upgrade ; (read non-circular) solves this issue very elegantly. Additionally, it is a much higher performance tweeter too! But as for the dual circulars, it is a cost driven compromise IMHO. That being said, it isn't easily recognizable as a compromise when you listen to the RM-40's on their own without comparing them to VERY expensive speakers done right.

The midranges are also a great ribbon driver for the money and probably one of the greatest design implementations that makes the RM-40's do what they do soooooo well. They crossover extremely low, so there is no nasty crossover point in the lower midrange to worry about. I applaud Brian for his ability to see the beauty of this driver's potential. That being said, I do have to inform everyone here that this ribbon is NOT the gestalt of all ribbon designs. All you have to do is look at the waterfall chart of this midrange ribbon to see that it is "relatively" clean, but not up to the absolute levels as some of the "cost no object" ribbon designs. I really like this driver, and could probably live with it for ever, but if I were building a cost no object ribbon speaker, I would "stack" the "best of the best" ribbons instead. This would achieve a superior waterfall plot and sound even cleaner than Brian's chosen ribbon (think Genesis or Infinity's speakers and you get the idea here).

Per my first post, I recognize that Brian makes his own woofers (that's what the term "tooling" meant). I think he really knows what he's doing here based on what I've seen of his designs and choice of materials.

In regards to the internal parts inside of VMPS speakers, Brian isn't cheap but I am ABSOLUTELY convinced that any owner can improve his RM-40's sound with better wiring than Brian uses. I think Brian did a great job based on his limited budget and at least uses decent wiring suited to each driver. I think most audiophiles would be shocked to discover how many big name speakers have such crappy internal wiring! That being said, this is one area which all VMPS owners can further improve their speakers themselves.

One poster here got pretty defensive about my statement; " As long as you are not looking for the absolute best sonic detail ever imagined from the VMPS, you will not be disappointed". Well let's face it, the VMPS are NOT the end all speaker in the world today. They are damn good and I love them for the money. I have heard better detail in the highs from under $5k speakers using better ribbon tweeters than the circular ones that Brian uses (GR Research comes to mind). I also have heard less coloration from speakers using Hyquphon domes. As said by others here, the FST upgrade solves this issue.

Hopefully I've clarified MY position and prior statements here. I do get very tired of seeing many posters (on this and other forums) put VMPS at the very TOP of the speaker design pedestal.

I've always felt that Brian is one of the most talented speaker designers in the business today. IMHO is one of the very few speaker guys who has found very ingenious cost saving ways to get close to the best sound of the speakers which very few normal people can afford. He is one of my heros. Way to go Brian!