What Speaker are Great for Rock and Roll $5K-20K

My bother just bought a Krell FPB-300 and Krell pre-amp.

He wants to play Rock and Roll,

I tried to explane to him that this equipment is best for Jazz and Classical music.

I would like some help if possible on this one.

Thank you
Bugtussels bass is transmission line like the Shahinian. Could we have a connection here?
$5K-20K is quite a range. There are a lot of speakers in this range that will rock. In fact, I can't imagine a $20K speaker that couldn't rock. I have never heard a Bugtussel but I would be hesitant to take the recommendations of the Rolling Stones. It would be hard to believe that 50+ year old rockers haven't suffered some ear damage.

If you want to rock, then I agree with the Sean. A lot of drivers with multiple woofers to generate high SPL. Montana makes some speakers that will play as loud as you can stand and they will really rock.