ARC with B&W 801's?

I was thinking of purchasing a used pair of B&W 801 Matrix either series 2 or 3. I have heard them quite a few times and enjoy them. Most of the times that I have listened to them, though, they have been hooked up to BIG solid state amps (Krell, Classe and the like). I have a pair of Audio Research M100's. They have always seemed powerful enough to my ears for my Proac's. Has anybody out there run those B&W's with tubed gear? Any feedback would be great. Thanks
Wailbait: you have very good power amps so don't waste them!

Before buying a used Matrix 801s, I'd urge you to audition the B&W Signature 805s. They should be perfect for your amps and much better quality except for the lowest fundamental bass resp. You can always add a good subwoofer in the future to achieve the "true full range" system.

I started a new thread elsewhere "B&W: Signature 800 vs Nautilus 805 vs Matrix 805" that you might e interested.
I sold my B&W's and bought Watt/PUppies(and since MAXX's). The 6's or 7 would work well with your ARC since they are very efficient. Very dynamic soundstage, great imaging and detail and the only speaker I have ever auditioned that sounds good at low volumes. Wilson knows crossovers!
I have a pair of 801 S2's powered by a BAT VK-60 & VK-5i. There has been some XOVER and wiring work done to them, but, they sound GREAT! My other speaker configs are Sota Panorama 4's with BEM's, Spica TC-60's and Biro L/1 w/sub.
These speakers are not in the same league as the 801's but the Biro's with the sub are REAL close.