Speaker Recommendation for Tube Fan

Hi folks:
I'm a devoted tube fan that is currently using Magnapan 3.5r's driven by an all tube conrad johnson system (Premier 12's, 16LS Series 2, 15) along with a VPI Aries/JWM10/Benz Micro H20 vinyl setup. I'm just about ready to revert to dynamic speakers to capture the dynamic bloom and lack of a really deep bottom end not available from the 3.5r's (probably should be using solid-state, but like I said, I'm a tube person) in my room. What I am looking for are suggestions for speakers in the 5K price range that might mate well with my system. It's been a while since I have auditioned dynamic types, so I need a little help. My listening tastes include everything except country and rap (nuf said). The most important sonic qualities to me are a wide and stable image and a harmonically correct presentation.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and suggestions.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcjlundgren
Vandersteen 3A Signature. They are as good as your system. They sound great and will leave you with xtra cash since I believe they are under $4,000. Vandersteen is never bright and will be as detailed and authoritative as your system will allow. Bass is full and big but not boomy.
Thanks for the Vandersteen suggestion - I did listen to these before I bought the Maggies but my local dealer at the time went out of business. I'm sure these will be a much better fit in my room than the Maggies.
Thanks again.
The speaker line with the best reviews this year seems to be Alon by Acarian. The Absolute Sound has had a piece or reference in each of the past few issues. The Lotus Elite Signature made Harry's Super Components list...and that's the speaker I'm currently using. The Lotus Elite (not Signature, but same cabinet)--$4500--just got a fabulous review on HiFi+, which you can read from the website (alonbyacarian.com). And these speakers do well with cj, according to the designer. The Elite Signatures got terrific reception at CES and HE Shows (check most any show report). They are nice looking, nice size, easy to place. They lay out a soundspace (being dipole) better than most anything out there. And, of course, they're wonderfully musical (once broken in!). You may hear lots of good recommendations, but these speakers are a cut above!! Good luck.
Coming out soon try Von Schweikerts new VR-4jr. Considering the VR4III se, the jr set should be incredible. So much speaker for the money.