Did I make a mistake with my Nautilus 805?

One of the things that came to my mind yesterday was how tight were the woofer screws of my N805. I noticed that the screws were very slightly "loose" so I decided to tighten them all the way down. Now I am worried as to if I made a mistake by doing this and if the sound can be affected. Subjetively I did not find any diference in sound after this, but I was wondering if B&W intentionally leaves the screws a tad loose for some purpose? What do you guys think? Thanks for your thoughts.
Call B&W,

As no the screws should not be loose, just snug, not over tightened either.

They must install their drivers w/ a certain amout of pounds via a tool like a tourque wrench.

Find out what the amout of lbs. is?
Then go to Sears buy all the tools.
Re-adjust, save all packaging, & RETURN TOOLS once complete!
I love Sears!

Or un-loosen all the screws, call B&W, tell them they came that way, & send them in for repair?

Good Luck!!!

They won't buy the second option as their Q.C. dept. is on the ball, just call them & be honest. They should help you out, & you might even give them a chuckle?
> Then go to Sears buy all the tools.
> Re-adjust, save all packaging, & RETURN TOOLS once complete!
> I love Sears!

Audiobugged, you should be ashamed of yourself, not bragging. Remind me not to do any business with you.
Or un-loosen all the screws, call B&W, tell them they came that way, & send them in for repair?

That comment sort of makes me question your values as well. Comments like that post make me ashamed to be part of such a group of audiophiles.
Jeez guys, cut Audiobugged some slack, these are BIG BAD corporations he's proposing we screw! It's not like...well...Hey, Audiobugged, now that you mention it that amp you shipped me had two solder joints undone. I'm just shipping it back to you for a full refund, and don't forget the shipping charges too! Oh, and that tracking force scale works brilliantly I'm sure, but I've decided that I didn't really need it, so I'll throw that in the box too. I'll pay for the shipping charges on the scale. You know where to send the refund!

Tireguy, don't be too quick to judge the whole by a part (your last sentence, which perhaps was just not carefully phrased). I think attitudes like the one being criticized here are more likely the exception rather than the rule....certainly in my experience with Audiogon members.
