Will cheater rob my PC's?

My REL Storm is dead quiet when connected to my Berning ZH-270 amp, but exhibits a low-level hum when connected to my new Art Audio Diavolo amp. Other than amps, all connections are the same. The REL is plugged into a different outlet than the rest of the equipment, but that's out of necessity due to location and lack of additional outlets. And as I mentioned, it's perfectly behaved with the Berning.

I've tried a cheater plug on the REL to no avail. The amps are connected to a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet which has had it's outgoing ground wire disconnected, so in essense, the amps have had their grounds lifted. The remainder of the equipment is connected to a PS Audio PS300, which is grounded.

I'm getting ready to try connecting cheater plugs to all the equipment with the exception of the preamp. But I'm concerned about the negative effect this will have on all my expensive power cords connected to this equipment.

Wouldn't the cheap cheater plug wipe out all the benefits of having a high end PC?

Any and all opinions are welcome.
My REL hums if my current amp is turned off. It did not do this with my old amp. It is fine with the amp turned on. Not sure why this happens. So I also shut the sub off first and on last.

I figure the sub somehow loses the ground on the Neutrik connection when the amp is off, but not sure. It is the same hum you would get if you disconnect the black cable from the amp with the sub on.

Like you, I'm operating 2 amps. The Diavolo is for 2-ch and the fronts of my HT, while an EAD PM 2000 handles the remaining HT channels. Both amp's power cords are connected to a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet that has had it's ground wire disconnected on the outlet end. It's still connected at the wall end. I was told by PS Audio that this way I have lifted the ground to the equipment, but the UO still is grounded to the wall, thus keeping it's surge protection intact.

If this is so, then in essence I've already lifted the grounds to both amps. Still a slight hum remains.


I had the same problem with the REL when I was just running the EAD amp. On it was OK. With the amp off, the REL would hum. My current problem is it hums regardless of the amp being on or off.

I will contact Sumiko and see if they have a fix. I'll let you guys know what they have to say. In the meantime, have a great Holiday Season! Thanks for your help.

I'd try a cheater plug only on the Diavolo amp when pluging it into your PS Audio surge protector and then try removing the PS Audio piece altogether. If that does not work, try a cheater on the REL and on both amps and sub. Try disconnecting your innterconnects going to your amp and see if you hum gets worst or changes tone. It this makes a change, you may want to lift the ground on your preamp. Do you get hum when you disconnect the Neutrik connector and just use the low level input for 5.1 via RCA? Try every combination possible. It's a matter of figuring out how to bypass your ground loop.
Came up with a simple fix. I disconnected the REL's yellow ground wire from the amp's positive terminal on the left binding post and wrapped it around one of the amp's screws on the chassis. Instant silence.

It may not be the most elegant solution, but with the amp in my rack the wire's unobtrusive, and it works. Sometimes the best solutions are also the simplest. Thanks to all for their help and suggestions.

Happy Holidays!!