Vandersteen users; do you biamp?

I have been narrowing my search to the loudspeakers that I will be getting next year. Besides listening, I have read many reviews and I have read from some reviewers that unless Vandersteens are biamp, you won't get as good a sound.

Users, how about it?
Well, I haven't found that Vandies need to be bi-amped to sound their best, provided you have a good quality amp driving them. I have, however, found that bi-wiring provides better sound quality with Vandies than using a jumper plug and single speaker cable. Richard Vandersteen recommends bi-wiring for the Vandy models that have two pairs of binding posts on each speaker.
If you get the 2wq subs then you are technically bi-amping the speakers because the subs contain a 300 watt amp within. Maybe that's what you're refering to.Even without the subs the Vandy's are a terrific sounding speaker and that includes all models.I've owned the 1b's,2cesig's and now have the 3a sig's and willl be getting 2 wq subs in a few weeks.The 2 subs give you about 75% of theModel 5's performance according to Richard V.(who I 've spoken to a few times)
If you ever want a mind blowing audio experience go listen to the Model 5's properly set up with Cary or Audio Research tube electronic,and vinyl won't believe how great it sounds!
You don't need to biamp for good sound but I really believes it helps. I think it depends on the quality of the amp and speaker wire you start with. I'm currently using a 4 ch Theta Dreadnaught biamping a pair of 3A Signatures with a pair of 2Wq subs. After much setup, I'm finally happy!
I agree with Bigtee, bi-amping absolutely not necessary, but recommended if you can swing it.