Vandersteen users; do you biamp?

I have been narrowing my search to the loudspeakers that I will be getting next year. Besides listening, I have read many reviews and I have read from some reviewers that unless Vandersteens are biamp, you won't get as good a sound.

Users, how about it?
You don't need to biamp for good sound but I really believes it helps. I think it depends on the quality of the amp and speaker wire you start with. I'm currently using a 4 ch Theta Dreadnaught biamping a pair of 3A Signatures with a pair of 2Wq subs. After much setup, I'm finally happy!
I agree with Bigtee, bi-amping absolutely not necessary, but recommended if you can swing it.
How absolutely not necessary? The Vandersteens were on my short list of loudspeakers and now to find out that unless I bi-amp, I will not get the best that I can get from the speakers is very depressing. I guess my search continues. It isn't that I can't swing bi-amping; it is more than I want to setup the best, non-complicated system for a modest investment. Bi-amping puts more time and energy into a system than I want to put in. My goal is to setup the system and forget about it and just listen. I have been researching and reading for many months now and it is beginning to wear me down. How do you guys do it? Honestly, I don't have the audiophile blood in me. I just want a good sounding system. Now what.
I asked Richard Vandersteen about bi-amping he said in no uncertian terms NOT TO DO IT! Just go with the subs and you'll be 75% at the level of the model 5's
an EXTREMELY FINE SOUND! Call Vandersteen yourself ,and he'll take your call since he's the person who deals with all questions regarding his products.
P.S. Like I said previously if you get the subs you're bi-amping already so you don't need to get another amp to do what you've already done. So don't worry ,get the speakers first ,live with them for awhile and maybe you'll be happy enough that you won't want to get the subs.If you do decide to get the subs It's cheaper and more efficient than to buy another amp IMO.Better to get a better amp down the line than 2 that may not be so good.