Folks, as an attorney, I am somewhat familiar with the US Constitution, particularly the 4th Amendment. It pains me greatly that our country has found it necessary to resort to the intrusive actions that it has taken.
But, in times of war and national emergency, there is precedent for extreme actions. For example, Abraham Lincoln suspended many constitutional protections such as habeus corpus during the Civil War. I'm sure most recall some of the actions, and admittedly excesses, that occurred during WWII.
Now let's balance all of that with current events. Like it or not, our country is the target of fanatical religious anarchists who HAVE caused us great harm on a massive level. Do I have to remind anyone about 9/11 or the recent Boston bombings.
I suggest that you rent a somewhat dated movie called "The Peacemakers," starring George Clooney and Nicole Kidman. Watch the movie and please come back with comments about whether the government has exceeded reasonable bounds of intrusive activity.
G-d Bless America and Happy July 4th.
But, in times of war and national emergency, there is precedent for extreme actions. For example, Abraham Lincoln suspended many constitutional protections such as habeus corpus during the Civil War. I'm sure most recall some of the actions, and admittedly excesses, that occurred during WWII.
Now let's balance all of that with current events. Like it or not, our country is the target of fanatical religious anarchists who HAVE caused us great harm on a massive level. Do I have to remind anyone about 9/11 or the recent Boston bombings.
I suggest that you rent a somewhat dated movie called "The Peacemakers," starring George Clooney and Nicole Kidman. Watch the movie and please come back with comments about whether the government has exceeded reasonable bounds of intrusive activity.
G-d Bless America and Happy July 4th.