Anthonyn Cordesman on Edward Snowden

With all the debate on hi end reviewers, I think it's pretty impressive to see Anthony Cordesman quoted, in the text below this video:
I, for one, am enjoying this thread. I think it wouldn't hurt a bit to have a section for such (political, etc.) debate here on the 'Gon. If others are opposed, they don't have to look.
Rok2id, your understanding of the causes of US involvement in WW2 is grossly inadequate.
My understanding of EVERYTHING is grossly inadequate. At least according to my family and friends. You have stated the obvious!

Anthony Cordesman lived near a business that my best friend from high school owned. He would occasionally drop in the store to shop, talk a little about stereo, and leave some cables that he had finished auditioning or reviewing. I ended up with some really nice inter connects and speaker cables for free! Thank you Tony. As a reviewer, I consider him one of the best! Oh, and my friend is not longer with us, I am sad to say.
I think the thread should read: " Yossarian on Snowden" "Kid" says Yossarian... "you're going to be all right"