Martin Logan CLS panel distortion

Dear Audiophiles,
My original Martin Logan CLS speakers developed harsh distortion at higher spectrum of frequencies (mostly audible at high pitched soprano voices). Distortion disappears at low volumes of sound. Are my panels getting too old (they could be 10 years old, I am a third owner)? Is there a way to clean/tighten them (the panels, not owners ;-)? Your comments and suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you.
Here's a related question - I just bought a pair of used CLSII, they were advertised as new panels, but when I called ML, I discovered that the panels were built in 1989.

I'm also getting distorion, but not sure if the problem is low power, old panels or a combination of both (I'm using 80 watt mono GTA tube amps, this is the low end of ML recommended 80-200 watts). Not sure if I want to invest in both new amps and new panels...any recommendations for inexpensive amps that I could try out with the old panels before upgrading them? or should I just go ahead and replace the panels? Jim at ML said that very few panels of that age are still in use...which might be a good argument for replacement?
Hello Tonnesen - thank you for your answer and forwarding of Jim Power's e-mail. I will attempt "tightening" of the panels in few days.
I will also test my amplifier - need to borrow something more powerful. I am using VAC Renaissance 70/70 so our problem could be related to not sufficient power supply.
Try to examine tubes in your amplifier. If it's old than upgrade or replacement of passive components should probably take place to bring your amp back to tolal balance.
Any opinions on the Anthem Amp 2 200w/channel hybrid for the CLSII? These are available for about $1k (I'm looking for a higher power amp to try out the CLSII).

Tonnesen, definitely try another amp before giving up on the panels. I've been driving my IIZs hard for 11 years, 9 of those with an Aragon 4004 and have had no panel distortion issues, just a flattening/hardening of the sound when I push the amp too hard. Just this week I've been auditioning amps to upgrade the Aragon and discovered that the 150W VTL couldn't even begin to drive the CLSs-- major distortion in the upper mids at moderate listening levels. Too bad since the VTL otherwise sounded pretty wonderful.