Upgrade from Spica TC-60's.

I've got a pair of Spica TC-60's driven by a Classe CAP-100 which I'd like to upgrade to floor standing speakers (I think I'd really enjoy more bass). My room limits me to only 12-18 inches from the rear wall and 7 feet to the listening position (several feet to either side wall). My budget is probably $1500 used. Any recommendations. Thanks!

By the way, my listening tastes include everything from small group jazz, blues and rock, to classical and opera.
Hi Easy. I added a powered subwoofer (a REL strata3) to my Spica Angelus speakers and now I have great bass added to the wonderful midrange and imaging of the Spicas. If you really like all aspects of the TC-60s apart from the lean bass then a powered sub might be another option. My REL was $800 used. By the way my bass response now goes down to around 20Hz, much lower than any floorstander I've heard in this price range, and great for any live recordings, where the venue size and scale are present in the lowest frequencies.
Sean's probably right, but if you really want to start over I'd recommend the new Spendor S6 floorstander. Sweet, images like crazy, and not too bright up top. $1500 list/pr.
Might be a little cramped near the back wall but may I recommend the Meadowlark Kestrals.