Aerial 7bs or Proac Response 2.5?

I've been scuttling around the state of NC listening to speakers, as I'm thinking of upgrading from my Vandersteen 2ce Signatures. So far, I've heard the Revel F30s, a set of B&Ws floorstanders (didn't catch the model number, but they ran about $2500) The ProAc Response 2.5s, the Vandersteen 3a Signatures, the Aerial 8b, 7b, and 6s, with the Sonus Faber Grand Pianos and Vienna Acoustics Beethoven to come. That's about it for the high-end pickings hereabout, and so far the ProAcs and Aerial 7bs are my favorites. Any opinions? I'm looking for a more resoved, clearer, speaker than the Vandersteens, but that will have low listening fatigue. I'll be running them with Audio Research equipment, likely, although I might be willing to rematch electronics to a speaker I love.
What happen with the 8b's that you did not like?. I have a pair of 8b's and run them with EAD, Rowland gear and I love them I listen to the 7b's and Aerial 10 I purchase the 8b's.
For Me the 8b's have more bass, more resolution and a bigger sound stage than the 7b's all around the 8b is a better performer than the 7b, comming very close(inches) to the model 10. And for looks My pair is finished in Santos Rosewood with stands they are beautiful, off coarse cost could be a factor. Try to listen to the 8b's with lots of clean and control power, I don't know how will they sound with tubes, I'm not a fan of them!!!. Good luck and may the high end gods gide you in you're quest for better sound.
Pmc, both my wife and I preferred the sound of the Aerial 7bs over the 8bs: the sound of the 7bs was more resolved, less smooth... the 8bs sounded surprisingly like my Vandersteens in certain key respects (which is a remarkable tribute to the Vandies-- they're 1/4 the cost). I can see taste swinging the other way... just our ears!
You may want to listen to the Avalon Acoustics Avatar or Arcus in your search. I liked them better than either the Aerial or the Pro Acs.