Sonus Faber Cremona

Has anyone had experience with the SF Cremona? I'm in the $8K new / $5K used range and have auditioned the B&W 802N. The two speakers are comparably priced and both have pretty good wife acceptance. Really like the 802s, but have only had 2 short auditions under ideal music store setups. Emailed Sumiko and the closest SF Cremonas for audition are about 6 hours away. A man I trust on audio issues felt that although a very good speaker, the 802s tend to be a little bright and possibly fatiguing over time. He strongly recommended the SFs. Have read the recent review on the Cremona in StereoFile (very nice), but would appreciate additional comments.
PreAmp: McIntosh C2200 tube
Amp: McIntosh MC352 SS
Room: 13'wide x 29'long x 9'high
Give the Cremonas an audition even though you may have a long drive ahead of you. I think it it will be worth your while.
Three weeks ago, I was looking for a better speaker match for my Hovland Sapphire tube amps. I actually started looking at the Cremonas big brother, the Amati Hoamge. Then the dealer introduced me to the new Sonus Faber product that was about to get a big plug from Stereophile.
The Cremonas blew me away. Stunning sound. Very musical. Outstanding bass. Big sound from a small speaker. Great value. I bought them after auditioning them at home with my equipment.
Just curious, Telemoli: Did you find that the Amatis had any advantage over the Cremonas regardless of price (other than maybe the ability to go louder)? Of course, I could just go listen to these at a place 15 minutes from my house, but not being in the market for $8K speakers and being the sort who dislikes dealer showrooms, I thought I'd just ask you instead. :-)
Go for the SF! Especially with your Mac gear you will be very happy! The Cremona does not have a "little bright" sound but is just right.
Good luck!