Speaker tweak

I've read that some folks put weights on top of their speakers to help with speaker resonance. I have a pair of Dynaudio 72's. I'm using spikes onto a carpeted floor. Last night, I experimented with setting one brick on top of each speaker. Each speaker was covered with a thin cloth so as not to damage the finish. I don't know if it was my imagination but the sound seemed to tighten up especially in the lower regions. The highs appeared to be slightly more etched but not overly so. The results were significant enough to make me want to experiment with other weights. Does anyone have any suggestions on other weights such as brass that might work. I thought about the Mapleshade heavyhats but I was hoping to find something a bit cheaper while at the same time acceptable in appearance. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Right on SEAN great tweak at a no nonsense price.But-But-But it can't be any good, it didn't cost enough!
Yes Subaruguru, $125 for small plates with huge results. Seriously, try them out. I've spent much much more with far less results. I'm not affiliated with them, just impressed all to Hell.

I've used weights, sandbags, and nearly every other tweek known. The Harmonic Resolution Systems plates are much better. I'm not into techno-speak, but their website offers info in great detail. www.avisolation.com

Best wishes,
Try the noise killer for the speaker, music direct carries,
upscale audio carry them too, they do eliminate brightness
they do make high more listenable and natural. Try it and
leave them for about 2 weeks burn in period, for acclimation
porpuses, cheap tweak that works.Just be patient and later
it will payoff.