I have a set of Royd Doublets - actually the last ones that were for sale in North America. What amazing speakers!! THe doublets really out performed away the competition, IMHO, when I was auditioning speakers. The list was: VA Beethovens, Linn Ninka,s, Acoustic Energy AE 309, JMLab Cobalt 816's, Monitor Audio 8i and 9i, B&W CM4's and others. The midrange on the Royds and the tight bass astounds most people who hear them.
I once called the Royd factory, for some advice on matching the Royds for a 5.1 HT system and talked to Joe Ackroyd himself. Great company - great speakers!!!
I have heard the new RR2's - very flat response and wonderfully sounding speakers but inefficient - need some horsepower behind them.