Looking for a cheap sub...

to match with Boston Acoustic A150's on a consumer grade receiver (auxilary system). According to Boston, the a150's have a flat frequency response down to 30Hz - if you can believe them - but of course they tried to sell me the Boston PV600 sub. Budget is $300, so that pretty much knocks out the Hsu (VTF-2), Mirage and Carver (Knight Shadow) family. Any recommendations?

With your budget of $300, I can recommend a Dahlquist PDQ1200 or PDQ1500, both of which can be purchased on Ebay for approximately $120 for the 1200 and $200 for the 1500.
I own a REL Storm, and purchased the PDQ1200 for $104 shipped(could not pass it up for the price!), and IMO it does a credible job considering the price!
You are the perfect canidate for a DIY project.I have had great success in that price range.Try acoustic-visions web site.You will find that 300.00 will get you brand new for a good value.You may get bit by that "big sub bug" and buy or build a true reference.