Verity Speaker Parsifal Encore

I am really interested in this speaker but cannot find any dealer in southern california to audition them, what do they sound like compared to other speaker in the same price range any info will be greatly appreciated.
thansk for all the responses my gear including pass lab x250, bat vk30se, cary source I am not a rock fan or listen to very loud at all current owning 803 nautilus just looking for something is better softer sounding and smooth romantic listen to a lot of vocal and midrange. I had a chance to listen to the jm lab mezzo and sophia prefered the sophia over jm lab due to the sophia was more involving, also just curious about the size of the parsifal encore for such a small speaker how do they sound and what is similar sound speaker out there also listen to the dynaudio line they are ok but nothing to strike about.
Ernie- I don't much care what the woofer is suppose to do, I have heard them in 4 different rooms(including my own) and I still feel that the bass is sluggish- and I know I am not the only one who thinks that. And as I said before I don't think it is a short coming, I attribute that charachteristic to why it has a lush, rich and involving sound.

Goone- With your gear and music preference if you can afford them, it really seems like the speaker for you! The bass is better with solid state then it is with tubes from the listening sessions I have had with these speakers. Enjoy :)
I second the enthusiasm for the Parsifal: I several times have heard a pair driven by SCD-1 and Cary pre&: very appealing. Also heard a pair driven by Thor cd and Atma-Sphere: also lovely.
I was so impressed I purchased a pair of Fidelios, which had very similar sound, except for that little bit of upper and lower extension and authority (I went to a sub and that took care of the low-end).
Now, I recently took delivery of Pass X2.5 and X250, Audio Note 3.1x cdp, and Piega C-8 LTD. I think you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't listen to Piegas. I have found the speakers I'm going to live with for a long, long time. My wife, one hour after set-up, for the first time showed interest: she came into the room with a handful of her cds---and listened for quite some time, a huge smile on her face (she also loves their look). With Pass, it is a marriage made in audio heaven. The "C" msrp, btw, is similar to the Parsifal's. (And the cabinetry...Wow! Mine are one solid piece of aluminum).
I replaced my Thiel CS-7s with Parsifal Encores, and have been very pleased with them. They don't dominate my room the way the Thiels did, they're not as hard to drive, and they are NEVER fatiguing to listen to. I'll admit that the Thiels may have the last little bit of bass authority compared to the Parsifals, but in daily use listening to music I do not find the bass deficient or slow.
I now have a completely tubed system, which I certainly couldn't do with the Thiels, and cannot recommend these more highly. I found the difference between them and the Fidelios quite significant, but actually preferred the Fidelios' sound to the Thiels.
Now I have to sell the Thiels......
It's me again. According to their website, Passion Audio in Encinitas carries Verity Audio speakers.....