Which would you rather have?

Would you rather have a pair of used (but perfect) Energy Veritas v1.8 or a pair of new Martin Logan Aeon speakers?

Both sound great, just want your thoughts.
Hey BrianW

I'v never heard either of these in my own system. I'm looking for general observations from people who have had experiences with either speaker, reguardless of their system.

Any thoughts?
Martin Logans if I have the electronics to drive them well, and have it sound good.

I would not choose either one, given the wide range of options available in the $4,000.00 range.

Limited to just these two, I would go with the Energy Veritas.
I agree with Albert on that I would not pick either.But for very different reasons:this Martin Logan model will give you no real bass,and Energy(any model)sound like crap to my and many other's ears.More expensive and bigger Martin Logans are great even with Monster cables.So,generally your question puzzles me.