Speaker recommendation - 3K budget

I am considering new speakers. My listening room/home office is 11 X 12 X 8. Electronics include Linn Ikemi CD, Plinius 8150 int. amp. Current speakers - B&W Matrix 803.

My goal is to improve the resolution, transparency and to "tighten" the bass.

I listen to jazz, vocals, classical, some rock at moderate listening levels.

My budget is 3K and used is OK. I would appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks, Joel
i've been a Thiel owner for a long time and have just kept upgrading (i'm currently using the Thiel 6s which i got used through Audiogon for $3800...more then you say you want to spend but if you see a pair in this range you might want to consider them. They are outstanding in all respects. The Thiel 3.6s can also be found used in the $1800-$2000 range and are also a fine speaker though not in the same league as the 6s.

Like you, i listen to a lot of different stuff. Lots of Jazz (instrumental and vocals), Classical, Rock and a lot of avante garde wierd stuff. For jazz and classical i think the Thiels are outstanding. If you're into a booming bass the Thiels aren't for you. However, i have not listened to another speaker that captures the sound of acoustic bass like the Thiels(i'm sure they're out there, don't get me wrong, just i haven't heard them). You not only hear the bass sound but hear clearly that this is a plucked intrument (i.e., you hear and feel the hand slapping on that sucker). Vocals are also crystal clear and distinct. I also find the Thiels to have excellent soundstaging and imaging. Finally, for those of us that don't have sound rooms or aren't able to place the speakers in the ideal situation i find the Thiels to be forgiving of real life listening situations. I've got mine virtually up against a wall and unequal distances from side walls. They still sound great (not as great as they could sound of course but hey what are you gonna do...guess that depends on how much disposable income you've got).

anyway, if you've got the opportunity to demo a pair i think its definitely worth a listen.
I am not sure if this is an option for you, but I have been building speakers for a few years, and in the $3000 price range I can heartily recommend a kit designed by the renowned Seigfried Linkwitz, codesigner of the 24db/oct LR crossover.
It is a dipole design using state of the art dynamic drivers, actively crossed and triamplified. It would easily cost $15-20,000 if produced commercially. http://www.linkwitzlab.com/orion_challenge.htm
BTW He also designed stereophiles 1999 speaker of the year, the Beethoven. The Orion might be the best out there period, especially for what you listen to.
regards, Jason
I think I'd avoid the ML's for this application. Although they do meet your requirements, I doubt they'll be very good in your room: it's too small, especially if you have to put office furniture in it. MLs just about have to be 3-4 feet from the back wall, and in a 11x12 space that's a major disruption. (I am a big ML fan and my main system is fully ML, it's not that I don't like them.)

My first thought was a used set of Magnepan 3.6Rs, but they will have a lof of the same problems as MLs, and they are even bigger.
After home auditioning the ML Aeons, Thiel 1.6's and the Thiel 2.3's I went with the Thiel 2.3's

They are absolutly beautiful! They re-create music like no other speaker in this price range or even much higher. The build quality is perfect and the drivers are top notch.

I also auditioned speakers from Sonus Faber (Pianos), Vienna, B&W, Energy Veritas, Boston (NOT!!!), JM Labs, Monitor Audio Gold, and a few others.

Oh yeah.. Thiel also has the best customer service and a 10 year warranty. THE END RESULT IS QUALITY PRODUCT.