Herman, you are right, the 30 Hz can not dealt with correctly with absorption devices, particularly high Q factors. Even if you were able to absorb it you would bring down other frequencies as well. Your situation requires diaphramatic methods Helmhotz or capacitive style bass traps. Helmhotz can work quite well, but keep in mind they are tricky to build. High Q Helmhotz resonators are inefficient, which means they have to big and very very rigid. The best ones are poured out of concrete. I realize that's not likely a realistic option. You can do well with wood--I just wanted you to be aware of the issues. Placement of the resonators are very important as well. You want them at the lowest pressure zones, unlike absorbers that you want at the highest pressure zones. The capacitive traps can help as well, but you can't get very high Q factors with them (still they are much much better than absorption methods). They work much better to smooth out the frequency response across the listening room. For either of these methods, we can design these for you and figure out placement, it would be done on an hourly basis.
The other item you've mentioned is placement. There are a few tricks with placement that can help alot. Place the sub in the 1/4 wavelength cancellation point for 30 Hz. That will help quite a bit. This might not be very practical if you only have one sub.