Amp for Wilson Watt Puppy 7

Looking to owners of WP7's out there for opinions on which amp to purchase for these fabulous transducers. Open to any and all takes. Is in the context of home theater and music around 50/50. I'd like to be able to take advantage of their ability to do 3D imaging, so tubes are in strong consideration. ARC and VTL seem to be high powered which they may like. Also, anyone with BAT 6200's , Plinius or Theta other powerful but delicate amps running? Also, can SET's or low powered tubes do the job??? There's a tasty LAMM ML1 available now ;>)

Let it rip...
I heard them on CES two years ago with VTL MB450. Triode and Tetrode switching were demoed as well. Higher power was more beneficial probably due to the huge room size where they were demoed.
I'd go for minimum 100W per side to play these speakers.
I'm using a single BAT VK-75SE with WP 6's. Sounds pretty great to me, and I've heard plenty of good systems. I like tube amps with the WP's.

So yes, lower powered amps can do the job, besides the big solid state amps. Not sure If I would go much lower in power than what I have, also this bat amp has tons of current. I had a BAT VK60 before the 75se, it sounded great until the 75SE showed up. Much tighter bass, bigger stage, better depth and detail.

Part of this depends on the rest of your setup. The WP's really show what's upstream and where they are placed in your room.
Try Atma-Sphere OTL amps. I had WP6 with Atma-Sphere MA1 and all I can say is WOW!
I don't own Wilson's, but, I have always enjoyed Krell with Watts/ Puppies. An amazingly real presence.