Speakers room positioning - diff tricks ?

Dear All, with Tube traps analyst suggestion, my speakers ended up positioned with 1/3 on their back with the listening position 1/3 from the back wall.

Wondering when this is the best trick to position speakers or shouldn't be just one of the many. For example I recently read the Cardas white papers and it seems to me that the speakers will ended up about 1/4 from their back wall and the couch 1/2 in the room, much different from Tube traps advises.

To wrap-up which one of the following is the most used ?
1- Tube traps room study
2- The speaker manufacturer manual advise
3- Just your ears ?

Tks for commenting. Soon my Avalon will arrive !
Look under General Asylum for "room acoustics" posted 1/29/03 by amos ( and responded to by David Aiken on 1/30/03 ( Good luck.
I tend to use an odd even line grid to get me going, not always thirds or fourths but odd/even. Then I go from there and depending on room size and speaker size (how much air they can move) I'll work from there as to back/side walls. It gets me started but I still spend a lot of time listening by ear to get just right.
I didn't look for the thread that Newbee mentioned, but this sounds a lot like the Audio Physic method of speaker placement. You might try their website to see if they still have this approach available for viewing. Sean