Piego P-10 or big Thiels?

Considering upgrade from Thiel 2 2 to bigger Thiels (6 or 7.2) or perhaps a different route to the Piego P-10.

Any advice on speaker selection?

I like the Thiel sound a lot, but find this system to be a bit bright on sibilants like Holly Cole Trio "I Can See Clearly Now...", and less detailed than other kilobuck speakers. Sometimes - esp. on upper piano - brightness approaches a glare. Wife and I are not satisfied with B&W sound or MLogan/Maggie space requirements.

Gear is:
AudioAlchemy DDS-Pro
Wireworld Gold Eclipse balanced
silver I2S
PAD Colossus I/C

BAT VK-3i,
ProSilway II balanced I/C

BAT VK-500,
PAD Colossus speaker wire

Thiel 2 2

and preamp to Velodyne F-1500R

I'll eventually upgrade digital gear to Wadia 861 and run it straight into the amp.

Room is medium size with vaulted high ceiling and open to other rooms.

Music preference is no country, limited opera. All CD.
I must chime in on this thread. I am a associate of Sanibel Sound, the importer for Piega. I strongly urge you to seek out the nearest Piega Authorized Dealer and listen to a "quality dealer demo" before deciding on which speaker to buy. We are opening a new round of dealers in the upcoming months and will be positioned in almost every major market in the U.S. We will announce at least 10 new dealers by December so please try to be patient and visit one in your area.
Piega designs and builds all there own ribbon drivers making it exclusive to their products. The cabinet of the C Series is a 9 layer configuration of cork and very uniform wood shaped under extreme heat and pressure. The technology was previously only used in a sensitive labratory environment where explosions may need to be contained. This has solved several problems which conventional enclosures simply cannot surmount. Watch for the upcoming reviews this fall and look up the current press relating to the summer show in San Francisco. Three current publications call the AIX Piega Room one of few absolute standouts at the show. September Stereophile, October Stereophile Guide to Home Theater, and September issue DVD etc.
If you need the nearest dealer please call 18005316886 for info.
Hello Sutts,
Our representative in Canada is Dr. Gary Gelfand. Dr. Gelfand is a avid enthusiast who felt strongly enough about this speaker to set aside the time to promote in Canada. We have a long term relationship with him and offer any needed support from our offices as well. He currently has C-8 ltd 2 channel and C-3 and p1 woofer for his multiformat system. Please give him a call and he will respond promptly. Please call us at 540 7211076 for his number and any details. Thanks, Steve