Thiel 2.3 amplification

I am searching for decent amplification for my Thiels 2.3. Was considering following: Bryston 4BST or SST, Electrocompaniet ECI-4 integrated, McIntosh MA-6850, Musical Fiedelity A300 or newer A308 integr. Any suggestions? Preamps, IC's, cables. Do they really need Transparent cable?
I have been running them with the Odyssey monoblocks and love that combination. I tried them with several amps, including tube amps, but ended up going with the Odysseys. I'm downsizing my system now, but if I had to put up a larger system again, I would not hesitate on the Odysseys. I had tried the Stratos 2 channel from Odyssey also, but the monoblocks tend to take control of the speakers better and produce a larger soundstage, and of course improved bass response.
Whats your budget like? As you seem to be looking into both power and intergrated amps, are you decided on a pre-amp should you go with a power amp? What's the rest of your system like? What's your room like? What volume levels are you seeking? What are your musical preferences. Do you have particular sonic qualities that are of particular importance to you?
IF you're looking for Solid state amps that will drive the Thiels well, and sound world class, may I highly suggest trying the old used Threshold T200's! For around $1400-1600 you could get that amp, which is 100watts 8 ohms and 200watts 4 ohms. It was very very strong and refined. Very much like finding a used Pass X150(must used balanced xlr's). For the money, you'll not find any better sonically really. It's much stronger than 100w@8ohms would suggest! Infact, it was stronger than my Classe ca300 amp!
I do like tubes in the system with those speakers however, and would suggest a tube preamp to compliment it however. Still, for between $1400 and $2k, you can't do any better in solid state with those 2.3's( I owned em) than the Threshold T200 or Pass X150!
Good luck
To Unsound.
My budget will not exceed 3000$ for used or new equipment. I like convience of integrated amp but if it is sonic-wise bad choice I'll take separates. Due to my neighberhood situation I cannot sample in-house demos. So I trust people.
Thanks all for responses
Bunkeromantik, I'm assuming you mean $3K for both pre and power amp or an integrated. Due to the impedance load presented by the Thiels, integrated choices will be limited. At that price point, I like the the big c-j solid state power amps with either a tube or solid state c-j pre (move up to something above a PV-10). I haven't heard them, but the Plinius stuff appears interesting. Think, smooth, neutral and gutsy.