Did anybody see Miles Davis on Bravo?

I caught some of the spill Bravo did on Miles last night. I have to say Bravo did a hell of a job telling his story. To see him come from his beginings from the 50's until his passing was both an education and a further respect for the trails he has blazed. What I liked most were the comments made by the past musicans that played with Miles. People like Chick Corea, Keith Jarrett, Jack Dejohnette, Ron Carter, and Herbie Hancock. Marcus Miller who I did not know played bass for Miles also did him justice with his comments. I'll be playing a lot more of Miles and looking for other cd's I don't have yet.
Yes, I saw the entire thing and thought it generally well-balanced, though I would have liked to have seen a bit more detail with respect to certain recordings and "style" changes and a bit less of his ex-wives. On the other hand, they didn't beat the drug horse as much as I figured they would.
Would it have killed them to play more than 10 seconds of his music at a time? Clearly a lot of work went into the program, but in the end I was more frustrated than satisfied.
I saw and enjoyed it immensly. The show however can be had on dvd, I have seen it in my local retailers.