JM Lab Mini Utopia driven by Plinius 8200MKII

Has anyone ever driven Mini Utopias with Plinius 8200 integrated amp? I currently have the Minis and the Plinius 8200 and was thinking of upgrading the amp. Any suggestions or would i just be shelling out too much money for too little improvement with the more expensive integrated amps? I would like to stay with integrateds up to 4000 USD.

The rest of my system is the MF Nu Vista 3D, Analysis Plus cables, DH Labs interconnect.
If you are looking for a different sound, I have used the minis with VTL tube amps. I find that this took some of the edge out of the highs.
Check out hte Cary SLI 80 or BAT 300x. I have heard the Cary on JM Lab, and it is an excellent comment. The BAT is getting praise everywhere...