Vandersteen 3A Sig, Von Schweikert VR-4 MOD, VR-5

I want to buy new speakers and I have to decide between Vandersteen 3A Sigs (with subs), Von Schweikert VR-5 (with heavy duty mag woofers) and Von Schweikert VR-4 Modified to 5/7 equivalence. Has anyone had experience with these speakers? I listen mostly to classical music and I want the speakers to form the nucleus of a Home Theater someday. I need advice in selecting amongst these speakers. My listening room is approximately 12 x 20 feet. I plan to use a Denon receiver (AVR 5803) and a Denon DVD 9000. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
BTW, I live in a rather isolated part of the country and I am not able to audition these speakers. I have heard each and each sounds great. Cost is not a factor, just aural quality. Thanks for any input.

I have a problem with Von Schweikert Audio.Their products are not consistent from unit to unit.In 98 CES,VSA loaned "us" a set of VR-6s {retail:$12,500}.They were the best speakers I have heard ,period.After that show,many bought the 6s and were disappointed.Recently,a conversation with Albert {VSA}yielded the fact that that pair had special componenets,acoustic "stuffing" and heavily reinforced cabinets.None of these were included in the "stock" speaker and assembly was a little shotty.Found out that the VR-6s we used were probably worth $24,000.On the other hand,the Vandys that I have seen {2c,2ce,2ci,3A} have all been high quality sounding products.Please don't use the in-line filters,break down and buy a crossover.My vote is cast for Vandersteen.
I owned Von Schweikert VR-5's at the same time that I owned Vandersteen 3A Signatures. The VR-5's which I owned did not have the HSE upgrade. I found them to be a very good speaker with a very present and transparent midrange when set up properly. Set up was difficult in order to get them to sing. The bass was excellent for such a small speaker. excellent dynamics considering the speaker's size. Nevertheless, IMO, the Vandersteen 3A Signature was in another class. A much deeper and smoother bass, a broader soundstage, a better extreme high end and a better octave-to-octave integration. The VR-5 would make a great speaker for a second system, but for a statement loudspeaker, I would take Vandersteen 3A Signature over it every time and for far less money. I doubt that the HSE upgrade would make a world of difference. I found the Vandersteen's even more difficult to set up than the Von Schweikert's. I still own the Vandersteen's and sold the Von Schweikert's.
I have a set of regular VR4 Gen III's that I've had for almost a year & I think they are excellent speakers. There have only been a handful of 'philes that have heard my system & they all enjoyed it very much. My room size is similar to yours (21 x 11.5 x 8) & the VR's are 18" from the back wall & 20" from the sides. They image very nicely & I have replaced the stock points with a set of Soler Points & added Herbie's Footer's between the modules. Both of these tweaks help with the placement constraints which helps tighten up the bass & clean up the high freqs.

I'm using an Ayre V-5x for power, so subs not necessary, as the VR's are rated flat to 20 Hz. The bass is very impressive.