2 REL Storms or 1 Stadium?

I have the JM Lab Micro Utopias. Right now they are hooked up to the YBA passion amp and I also use a single REL Storm sub woofer. Would I be better off getting another Storm or selling the Storm and getting a single Stadium?
Is the bass from the Storm (which version?)not integrated well enough in the room? The single Stadium III in my room has ample bass. The orientation and final placement is according to the setup instructions on the Sumiko site. I use the high level connection from the amp also. You might want to take a few minutes to follow those instructions, if you haven't already, before buying another sub or replacing the one you have. You really do need to move the sub in small increments during this process and it doesn't take long to first get it placed properly in the room.
I have read about good results using two Strata subs, but don't recall about doubling the Storm.
REL setup
Having owned everything from Strata III to Stentor III, I would say unequivocally that the Stadium III will blow away two Storm III's. It's not a matter of quantity but of quality. To be honest, the Storm III was my least favorite of all the RELs due to its obvious bass reflex loading and the terminal muddiness that comes with it. The Stadium III is a major step up in fundamental sound quality, something you will not get by adding another Storm III. Of course, be prepared to spend more time in placement setup since it is harder to get one sub to load the room smoothly than two.
I went today and listened to the Stentor. It blew me away! I guess I just have to save a little harder to get one of these monsters. Any comments on how the Stadium sounds compared to the Stentor? Is it worth the extra 2 g's?