How do you use subwoofer phase control ?

Recently obtained 1986 era Duntech Thor powered large bench-sized subwoofers with outboard crossover box. No instructions about dialing in the phase somewhere between 0 to 180 degrees. What does one do to choose an optimum setting? Is one sub adjusted separately, and then later the second if allocating one sub per channel? May simply be using one of the subs equidistant between stereo Duntech wall mounted speakers as room size dictates due to massive "coffin" appearance of each sub. These subs specifically designed to complement these wall mounted speakers. Quite a contrast from the modern micro-sized subwoofers such as a Carver.
in the phase of the subwoofers 0 to 180 degrees 0 degrees means its flowing with the music 180 means its changing its phase off set from the timing of the music. experment with the phase is not critical . sometimes changing the phase to 180 will sound better depending when the low frequincy hits you at your listing position. experment my man. happy listing.
The best way is to take a SPL and set a level for the crossover region(like 80hz) Set the subs phase for maximum output at this level with the main speakers and it should be in closest phase. However, room anomalies can change this situation somewhat. I have found it is pretty easy to tell when they are in phase. Place your head between the mains and subs and listen. It shouldn't sound like there is a suckout.
I need help on this one too. I have three MG1.6 speakers with three wall-mounted JBL 15" drivers for subwoofers. Crossover at the moment is 70Hz, 24 Db.
I have no problem getting flat response down to 20 Hz.
To adjust the SW phase, I set the warble tone generator to 70 Hz, so that both speakers are putting out sound, and I measure the sound level using a meter, while I vary the SW phase from 0 to 180. NO CHANGE!! I can't explain this. Can you?.
Sounds like the crossover isn't where it is suppose to be. Try changing it up or down and see if you get a difference.