Monitor selection

I hope you guys can help me out with my dilemma. My system consists of:
Ah! Njoe Tjeob CDP with the Burr Brown OPA627 Op-amp upgrade
Van Den Hul The Bay C5 IC
Parasound HCA 750 power amp
Acoustic Research speaker wire (to be replaced soon)
Magnepan MMG

The problem is that I don’t get much clarity and detail from the MMGs, so I plan to sell them and buy some used monitors. I need some monitors that are bright and have really good midrange, bass is not really critical because I have a subwoofer. I’m in a cramped dorm room measuring 14 x 21, and I can only spend about $700, maybe $800. Here is a list of used speakers that I found in my price range.

Totem Model One
Meadowlark Audio Vireos
Vienna Acoustics Haydn
PSB Stratus MINI
Omega TS-1 R
Angstrom Legato
Silverline SR-11
Soliloquy 5.0
Linn Katan

I need some help in deciding which one to buy, also let me know if there are better monitors out there.

MMG's are supposed to be very good when it comes to midrange quality, I am not sure why you did not like them. Can you not listen to any of the speakers and decide which suits you best? This would be the best option.

My or as matter of fact anyones recommendation may not be the best solution as you have to live with them not the folks who tell you what to buy. If I were you I would start with the first model you mentioned. Totem Model 1 and take it from there.

I reiterate that your own ears will tell you more about what is RIGHT than any of us on this forum.
Of the ones you have listed, I've owned the B&W and also the PSB's. B&W's are first rate. Especially when you have the positioning just perfect. The PSB's in my opinion, are terrible. Again, just my opinion. I've heard the Linn, but have not owned it. I didn't care for it all that much, but that could have been associated equipment. I have owned the Meadowlark Swift. Not the same speaker, but I think close. I could be wrong. I wasn't real impressed with the Meadowlarks, it didn't live up to all the hype. I don't think I can speak intelligently on the other models. Hope this helps.
Hard to imagine why maggies are not clear, considering that's there long suit. I would encourage trying different amps, and speaker cable before replacing them. My bet is that something upstream is preventing them from reaching their potential. Also, are you sure they are not damaged? Electrostatics can arc when pushed, killing off sections. Sorta like my brain at a Pink Floyd concert during the animals tour.