Please help - system "brightness" problem

I recently purchased a new pair of speakers and stands - Tyler Acoustics Reference Monitors to replace my B&W Matrix 803s in a small listening room. I was looking for a tighter, faster speaker, particularly in the low frequencies.

The system includes Linn Ikemi CD and Plinius 8150, HT Truthlink ICs and Pro 9 cables. I never had a problem with brightness, but the new speakers have made the system very "bright".

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have no experience with the Tylers, but many speakers require a break in period, sometimes a very long one. That may be one possiblity.
Also, apparently the B&W's may have greater bass extension than the Tylers, so it may be you're hearing more of the highs.
I was curious, so I looked at these reviews:

Hope this helps.
I would say to follow Neil's advice and give your new speakers a couple weeks' worth of regular use (if you haven't already) before starting to worry. Speakers exhibit both electrical and mechanical break-in periods, to my mind. From what I know of most of your pieces besides the integrated amp (with which I am familiar by reputation only, and I can see in your "System" that you have a good PC for it), I don't think the rest of your gear is likely to sound intrinsically bright. So my only other guess would be - if the problem doesn't resolve itself with break-in, and if the new speakers are not supposed to have a bright sound (I've never heard or read about them) - that maybe their dispersion pattern will require something different in the way of positioning or room treatments.
I agree with Z, and Neil. Speakers take a long while to (some way more than others)come into their own. Relax and let those babies run while you're not around, if you can. This will give them time to settle down. Sometimes, the perceived brightness you're hearing, are bold contrasts, that didn't exist before. You'll know after 200 hours what the deal is. Get back to the 'gon after, and let us know what's happening. peace, warren
If after a reasonable "break-in" period your new speakers still sound bright, ditch them and get some different ones.