ribbon or electrostatic speakers

Are there any ribbon or electrostatic speakers that you can feel the impact of the bass?
I'm not a dealer, nor have never been, but I don't mind when a dealer waxes eloquently over a product they represent. It was Keith Yates of home theater fame who showed me the way to the Scintilla. I'd hate to think what a large Soundlab will cost plus the amps that are needed to run them. I hear they rival the Scintilla in amp requirements. The Apogee is audio's best cheap treasure.
Although Sound Labs aren't a benign load, they're nowhere near as tough as they used to be, thanks to the backplate update which became available early this year and which reduces the impedance dip in the midrange that some amplifiers have problems with. Great amplifiers for driving them can be found for under $6000. Scintillas, on the other hand, drop to somewhere in the range of 1 ohm and are about as tough a load as any speaker out there. Very few amplifiers can drive them well. They can be a bargain, but it's important to keep in mind the company is long gone and you may find yourself on your own to service them even though parts may be found occasionally.
Muralman1, no I don't have Advents but I do have Avantgarde Duo's and yes I did get a friend Scintillas. I really like the Scintillas but unlike my friend I worry about parts and worry more about who can repair them. Thanks!
Audiokinesis, always interested in new speakers. When you have more info ie; website, price, lit., etc. please email me. You stated you will be peddling the Gilmore Audio, are you a dealer? If so, where are you located? Have you heard these new speakers? If so, how do they compare with the Apogee Scintillas or Divas? Thanks!