Electrostatic Speakers/SS amp - what tube preamp?

Building my system around a pair of Martin Logan Sequels...got an innersound ss amp and trying to decide if I should go w/ a ss or tube preamp....preamp budget is around $1000.00 (give or take a couple hundred)....any suggestions on brands, matching, things to consider?

Thanks in advance!!!!

AE3 by Cary new/used still will be under your budget. Make sure that your poweramp input impedance is >=30k.
On Audiogon: Rogue 99 magnum for $1500 or Cary 88 for $1200 would be your best choices. If you're looking at an AE-3, from experience, the DJH version is a big step up.
Considering your use of a balanced DC coupled solid state amp with an input impedance of about 50 Ohms(?), I think the the well built, user friendly, flexible, balanced, low out put impedance, DC coupled, neutral sounding, Sonic Frontiers Line series make ideal candidates.