Electrostatic Speakers/SS amp - what tube preamp?

Building my system around a pair of Martin Logan Sequels...got an innersound ss amp and trying to decide if I should go w/ a ss or tube preamp....preamp budget is around $1000.00 (give or take a couple hundred)....any suggestions on brands, matching, things to consider?

Thanks in advance!!!!

Marakanetz, Why to you feel a 500 ohm out put pre would present a load problem for a 50K ohm input? This is a 100 to 1 ratio. As i recall the minimum is 10 to 1. I would expect that the best thing a user could do would be to ask the manufacturer of the pre amp (if it is not specified in the user manual, as mine was).
Nothing wrong with 50K, I was just wondering about 50Ohms as Unsound stated...???
Marakantetz, good catch. Thanks for keeping everything straight. It should have read as 50K Ohms. Sorry for the typo.