Bookshelf or floorstander?

I'm wondering what are the advantages and/or disadvantages of a bookshelf speaker versus a floorstander... assuming both are run with a sub (and ignoring the need for a speaker stand for the bookshelf speaker). I'm wondering if it is easier to integrate a sub with a more full range speaker, than with a bookshelf that may only go to 40 or 50 Hz. Anyway, I'm curious about what the thoughts are on this. TIA.

Dennis, if you're thinking of the Dynaudios (great speakers), check into the Revel M20s. I love mine. With my stands (read my review, in the archives--Sistrum Mini Monitor Platforms) and sub, (and, of course, a few good electronics, to boot) I'm grooving. Be prepared, though. Monitors are VERY revealing. Imaging, yes, is quite amazing. If you set these babies up right you'll be one happy camper. good luck. peace, warren
Dennis, I have had good results with both my old Vandersteen 2Ce's with two subwoofers (Snell Sub 550's) and my new B&W CDM 1NT's. For both types of speakers, I run the subs in parallel with the mains. I haven't had any trouble integrating the subs with either type of speaker. I have an external crossover that seems to make this pretty easy. After having both, I think I prefer monitor type speakers. Visually they don't seem to dominate the room as much as larger floor standers and they image like crazy.

I second the comment on the Revel M20's (although I wouldn't kick the Dynaudio's out of my listening room). I almost purchased the M20's but they were a little out of my price range.
So it sounds like, in general, monitors are better performers than floor standers, correct? In that case, it's probably better to go the sub/monitor route. I will note that one of the most important things for me is the "speed" of the speaker (at least that's what I call it -somespeakers don't seem to have the resolution for fast percussion, so you have to really listen for it... is this what is referred to as the dynamics of a speaker?).

Warrenh, Mmowry, how do the Revel M20s differ from the Dynaudio 1.3SE? I'm going to listen to the 1.3SE today....

Thanks for the advice... it has really been invaluable.
Oh, and the bass being really tight (and hopefully with weight) is also very important to me. I don't like sloppy, diffused bass. I forgot to mention this in my previous post.
The difference between the M20's and 1.3SE's is hard for me to answer. I listened to both, but on different weekends at my local dealer. Honestly, I wasn't seriously listening to the 1.3SE's with the intent to purchase (they were way out of my price range). When I listened to the M20's, it was at the dealer's other store in a different room (I was actually there to compare the B&W N805's to the M20's). I was blown away by the M20's (N805's weren't too bad either). They had a nice balanced sound with what I thought was darn good bass extension for a monitor. The Revel stands do leave a little bit to be desired (it didn't appear that you can fill them with lead or sand), but at least Revel isn't robbing you with their stand prices like B&W seems to want to do. I suggest you take both speakers home and try them in your system. Due to the small size of both speakers, it shouldn't be a big deal to borrow the speakers from your local dealer(s) on a Saturday night for an extended audition.