Wilson Watt/Puppy 6 or 7 versus Sophia

Has any one compared these Wilson speakers? Thanks!!
Thanks guy, this is most helpful. As far as system matching is concerned, can anyone comment on synergy with the following components? It sounds like I should be careful about the hot upper midrange of the W/P 6, even though it is a much better value in the used market.

Merdian 508.24 CD player, ARC SP-11 MK2 preamp, Modified McIntosh MC240 amp (55WPC) or Mark Levinson 20.6 mono amps, top NBS cables. Thanks again for your very useful and focused responses.
I have owned the Sophias and now own the 7's/WATCHDog combination. I agree with Keithr regarding the 6 vs 7 comparison, but would add that the 6's upper bass was thrust forward in comparison to the 7's and the soundstage of the model 6 was much more central and less wide or layered.

In the context of my system, the 7's were demonstrably better than the Sophias in the realm of scale, soundstaging, micro dynamics, harmonic content and pitch differentiation. The improvement in these areas afforded by the 7's over the Sophias and 6's are not subtle, and were easily worth the extra money--to me.

And yeah, Ferrari Blue sounds cool....

Happy listening!
That sounds like a nice relaxed mix of components, I have always found Levinson rather dry and do not think it would be a good mix, then again I feel the same way about Classe. Great CD Player (my friend has one, try to get an actual 508.24 not an upgrade.. if you have drawer problems the US service center is excellent and will resolve the problem).

Ferrari Blue! I ordered mine in Ferrari Fly Yellow.. can't wait to get them..
Having own all 3 models,If your budget allows get the 7's
The bass is quite a bit better than the 6's and the sophias.
They are the same speakers. Although they do have some irrelevant differences the major problems that were presented the Watt/Puppy 6.x adherented in the 7.x and in the Sophias