Wilson Watt/Puppy 6 or 7 versus Sophia

Has any one compared these Wilson speakers? Thanks!!
I have my WP7s in a 13.5 x 17 foot room with one corner squared off by a fireplace, and two thirds of one of the side walls opening out into a much larger, reasonably well damped room. Because of the enormous amount of acoustic energy these speakers generate, I found that I had to treat the corners, walls and wooden floors to eliminate some harshness that obscured detail. About $600 bought me some inexpensive, but quite beautiful oriental rugs of various sizes from Ikea, which I put on the floor and mounted on the walls. Some inexpensive Roomtunes pillows (stuff I had from long ago and forget the price of) were placed into the corners where the walls meet the ceiling. This has banished all but a hint of echoslap that is intrusive only on certain opera recordings, played at tremendous volumes. I wouldn't be surprised if the full ASC treatment is more effective, but I'm very, very pleased with the current results. In summary, while I am no acoustician, I would predict that you could obtain some pretty spectacular results with the judicious application of absorptive materials to the walls and floor.
How much room between the WP7s and the side walls is there? How far apart are the speakers and what is your listening position from the front? High high are your ceilings?
From the centerline of the front face of the speakers to the side walls is 2 ft., 6.5 in. They are 8 ft., 9 in. apart, centerline to centerline, and are 4 ft., 6.25 in. from the front wall. They are canted inward at approximately 32°. The listening position is 12 ft., 9 in. from the front wall. Ceiling height is 8ft., 2 in.