System Audio

Anyone here know anything about System Audio speakers?

I heard a pair the other day while auditioning Primare integrateds...

Any feedback would be helpful as it seems to be tough to find any reviews on any current models.


Also an ex-owner of older model, the 1105's. Excellent dynamics, fast transients, detailed highs without harshness. In my old Audiogon ad (I just sold them), I compared them to Proacs without the brittleness sometimes found in their highs.

Thin width, and imaging is appropriately big. As Tracer says above, more limited in bass, but I haven't heard the bigger floorstanders, and the new SA series, which seemingly goes lower in general.

I think these are fine speakers, but resale value is limited because the name is lesser-known.

Good luck !
I have owned I think it was 1130's(3 years ago) the precursor to the 1250's I now own as well as the SA-2K's (pricy at $3,500.00 retail) They sound great but the binding posts are a little weak for my needs...actually broke one off using Virtual Dynamics Nite bi-wire cables. Having trouble getting it replaced. Almost nobody knows about them since they are from Denmark. The 1250's sold for about $1,500 new, and are a great basis for a secondary or surround sound's the site
I recently downsized and sold Avalon Eidolons.

I tried Dynaudio 25 SE's and System Audio SA2K, kept the System Audio's, no contest in my opinion regardless of price.
I had a friend who recommended this very highly. The SA7K w/ special Nordost wiring cost about US7K and it looks sooo good! While there are others who had no-so-good comments about its bass.

I’ve owned several pairs of System Audio speakers including Rangers and currently have a pair of active Legend Silverbacks 40.2’s.  Bass is definitely not an issue with these floor stand speakers.  The company uses small drivers that extend about 40% more than typical drivers and create incredible bass.  My Silverbacks extend down to 22hz.  It’s quite incredible.  

in terms of sound quality, they are excellent for the money.  I highly recommend them as they are very sweet sounding, yet accurate and throw a huge soundstage with depth.  Some of the best sound I’ve ever had in my main listening system was with the Rangers and Cary Audio all tube gear.  That system was so emotionally moving, I found myself with tears in my eyes on several occasions.  

if you can pick up a pair of System Audios or get a chance to audition them, I strongly recommend it.  They are very popular in Europe and I’m very surprised they haven’t gained more traction here in the US.  Fortunately, I have a dealer near me, Let there be Sound, and he exposed me to these beauties over a decade ago.  Since then, I’ve always had a pair in one of my systems and really enjoy them.