Alternatives to Dunlavy SC-IVA???

The SC-IVA is the speaker I had my sights set on for quite a while. Now that they're gone, can anyone suggest any alternatives I should look into. I really liked the soundstaging, imaging, and bass response?


I second Fredgarvin's suggestion of considering VMPS. Particularly their RM40 speaker (similar in size/shape to the SC-IV).
In one of my discussions with John Dunlavy he told me if he was buying a speaker and his were not avalible he would get the Thiel six series or higher as a match for the IVa. He felt they were the second most acurate speaker on the market. I have spent some time with the CS-7.2 and in some respects like them more than my IVa's.
I third the VMPS line, particularly the new RM/x which is arguably a superior speaker if you value incredible resolving power and detail.
