Which speakers do you like in the $5K price range?

I am considering upgrading my speakers and have $5K to spend on new or used. What are your recommendations. I am looking for a full range speaker that is placement friendly (not too far out into the room) and works with a SS amp. I listen from Ella to Hendrix, lots of guitar, jazz and vocals. I am looking for something that is dynamic, extended with good bass slam and extension, very natural sounding. I currently own B&W Matrix 803s and probably prefer something without a metal tweeter this time around since my only source is SACD/CD. The 803s sound prety good in my system but I know that the 802s and 803 matrix speakers sounded better when I compared them a while back so it is time to upgrade. My room has 7' ceilings, is 16' wide and 22' deep but I mostly listen 6-8 feet from the speakers which are 24" from the back wall and 6-7' apart. I have thought about the Aerial 10Ts, Talon Khorus with the X-XO so far.

Thanks for your suggestions.
Don't forget to keep your room dimensions in mind when deciding.Are you certain about the 7' ceilings? That seems really low. Aren't standard door heights about 7'? I would imagine that your ceilings are probably closer to 8' which is common in most homes that aren't built with vaulted ceilings.There are some really tall speakers that may not sound so great with a low ceiling.My suggestion is that you save yourself a couple of thousand and go with a good time-aligned and phase-coherent speaker like the Meadowlark Osprey. I would imagine that your Pass amp would pump plenty of power into them to give you the dynamics and coherency you are looking for. Hopefully you can do an "in-home" trial from a local dealer,if possible.
You want placement friendly? I'd definitely audition a pair of ACI Talismans. I heard them a couple of months back and they are simply phenominal. Some of the finest stereo I've ever experienced. They are unique in featuring a built in parameteric EQ for the woofer section. This will allow you to very precisely control their low-end response and the overall balance of the system. With shipping they are under $4500 pair. Ever since hearing them I've been lusting for a pair.
Check out duntech at duntech.com.au. They are sure beat B&W, you will be surprise. The Gemstone series is very reasonable to bring over from Aus. The Opal are the one that I have a chance of audition, they are very room friendly. They would cost you 4k max or less. Good luck.
Dunlavys are the deal of a lifetime these days. I bought a pair of Athenas for $4500 shipped when the co was still going. Considered B&W, then i heard them, was really serious about the Aerial 10Ts and then i heard the Athenas...no comparison. Now that the co has gone under folks are dumping Dunlavy speakers for way too cheap. Brauser is right if you have the room...if not Athenas all the way