Audio Physic Tempo 3i vs Revel F-30: Better Value?

Any one ever audition the Audio Physic Tempo IIIi?? I have been told that they are actually better than the "old" Virgo II because of a newly designed tweeter that came after the Virgo II were discontinued. I have a chance of buying ("used") either the Tempo's or a pair Revel F-30's which I have heard. I thought the Revels were nice but also sounded a bit bright and dry. I have never heard the Tempo 3i, but am generally familiar with the AP sound.(For whatever it is worth, TAS reviewed the Tempo3i and liked them)I listen to a lot of classic rock and fusion jazz
I can only comment on the IIIi's. I auditioned with a BAT VK-200/VK-3i amp/preamp and have heard nothing in the price range that has ever sounded so good to my ears (at least that I could afford the space to own - unlike the wonderful Maggie 3.6R). In any event, these were the most musical speaker I have listended to in a very long time in a listening space with actually approximates my own (11'x 15'). So I purchased a pair and find them wonderful reproducers on classical, classic jazz, blues and classic rock. They do an especially good job on female voices. Patricia Barber never sounded so 'life-like'. I drive them with a 145wpc MOSFET amp and listen to either vinyl or 192kHz upsampled CDs. Be advised that my wife hates them as I want to listen all the time. Oh, well.
I have a pair of Tempo III's - have had them for a few months and was told they need some time to break in still. I was also told they are awesome speakers but only after a few trials and errors in placement.
I haven't gotten there yet. It's amazing - you will not find a single negative review on these speakers.
I would suggest the lower priced model(s) with a sub if your room in not very large. Also, the bass is not very deep on the Tempos.
I'll agree with the above statements, it's in your ears - try to listen to a pair.
I own Tempo III's and I'm driving them with PS HCA-2 which is direct to Wadia 301. The soundstage is wide, I think that's one of the strengths of Audio Physic speakers. I've listened to Virgo III also but can't afford to buy those.
Tempo's are very detail, easy load to drive. The placement will take some time to get the best out of these speakers but well worth it. I listen to jazz, blues, vocals and classic rock and find the speakers excellent.