Aerial 10 T Owners Need Advice

I am looking at a used pair of Aerial 10Ts. Can you describe the sound of these speakers to me? I own the Pass Labs X-250 but I heard them on a amp that was a five channel amp. The speakers sounded very natural and had great bass (even without spikes with the stands) but they seemed slightly rolled off on top (slightly) and gave a 20th row presentation where the sound did not seem to come out into the room too far. Is this what you are hearing with yours?

Your comments are appreciated.

Happy Listening.
I own the 10t's with a VTL ST-150 Tube amplifier and I love them. Bass is robust but tight, Midrange is magical, and the high end is super smooth. The high end is very clean and non-fatiquing which may account for it sounding slightly rolled off. You need to get used to it as this is a fine musical instrument which is not trying to "show off" . It also like to play loud to "bloom". They like power too. I use 175 tube watts but would like more! They are a steal used !
Weiserb is spot on. I don't think they are rolled off, and if they seemed that way it was probably in the setup. One great feature is the way the mid/tweeter enclosure is separate and can be adjusted to dial in soundstage width, center fill and treble energy. And long term, the 20th row is where you want to be. Forward speakers become often become fatiguing, and the 10T has such an open and immediate midrange there is no chance that they become boring, which is a danger with some "laid back" presentations. A good tweak is to get 8 brass cap nuts and use them between the mid/tweeter enclosure and the bass unit. They are also somewhat sensitive to listening height, with a suckout if you sit too low. Your amp should be a good match. They were always a good value and used they are a steal. A classic.