Audio Kharma website

Do people take this website serious. They have a thread about bacon that has over 1000 posts. One guy was complaining that audio was an expensive hobby but only had 300.00 tied up in his system. They think that audio made during the 70's blows away gear made in 2013. I can't figure out if these people took to much acid back in the day or are people really that stupid.
04-18-13: Taters
Todays hot AK topics:

1.Hi, my name is Dave and I'm a hoarder.
2.Any good USB dacs for 75.00.

The Jerry Springer of Audio websites!

Taters, seriously dude, you need therapy. Not just a therapy session once or twice a week. No, you my friend, need a team of therapists, studying you, talking about you, thinking about you around the clock, 24/7. (Seinfeld reference)

I would rather vist a true music lover with a humble vintage rig who had a great music selection over a guy who only plays Diana K and Chesky recordings any chance I got. I understood you Tater up till your last post, at that point you lost me.
People in this hobby can have it all, if they accept it all.

My point was I don't want to listen to music with a dumpster diver because they stink!