Powering Audio Physic Virgos

I am having trouble locating any info on the Audio Physic Virgo I. Most of the info out there is for the newer III version. What amplifiers are people using that own this speaker. Are they extremely inefficient speakers, or would a 50 wpc integrated work in a smallish room. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
hhmm......well I have owned the Theil 1.5 and 3.6 and have had the Virgo I and now the Virgo III and I would disagree....IMO, the Theil's have much more HF energy than do the do the AP's. The Virgo's IMO have much more balance top to bottom.
Balekan, as a long time Thiel owner, but never a Audio Physics Virgo owner I guess you have more experience than me. Yet, I've heard the Virgos often enough that I'm set in my ways. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.
i do concurrent with balken's experiences, Thiels have more HF edge than Virgo's. Thiel sound brighter to my ear.

I am powering thre virgo II's with the Pass Labs Aleph 5 (60 watts into 8ohms) and they sound fantastic. I do wonder how the virgo's would respond to more quality power.