13' x 9' room big enough?

I would love to have a dedicated 2 channel tube system and was wondering if a 13 x 9 second bedroom would be big enough to do a high end system justice. My ceilings are 13' an one wall is brick. The floor is carpet.

Many thanks,
Perfect room for monitors + subwoofer. Monitors can be placed per Cardas or AudioPhysic for imaging and subwoofer placed to load the room with bass. I have a slightly smaller room and the sound is outstanding.

I actually think smaller can be better with rooms because you need less power, which means you can buy better quality.
Absolutely, if you don't have the speakers yet, go for some that are not too picky about placement (Dynaudio, Audio Physics, most good monitors). Stay clear of dipoles, bipoles and time alligned (Thiel) as they like the listener further out (over 8 feet). Set up for near field listening and you will have good results (Cardas's web site has a nice formula for rectangular rooms).
I am very happy in my 15 by 10 room (Dynaudio Contours 1.8 II), which my ceilings where as high as yours though...
Very interesting suggestions, never tried a setup in a small room with subwoofer. What do you guys think about a REL Q 150 or 200, is this the way to go?
i also have a small room and use a pair of totem model 1's with a rel strata III sub. I would suggest getting a rel downward firing sub instead of the front firing ones. I listened to the rel 'q' series and thought the strata and the other REL's offered more features and better sound.