Subwoofer, Active Vs. Passive

I recently saw in a thread that most powered subwoofers usually have crappy amplifiers.

Any thoughts on this?

Which is believed to be better? Active or Passive?

If most subwoofers have somewhat crappy amplifiers, would you be better off using an bridged stereo ADCOM to drive a passive subwoofer?

Thinking of that, I dont see many passive subwoofers out there. Are there any good reputable companys that specialize in passive subwoofers?

Ive been looking into building my own subwoofer, just for the experience. Who out there uses Passive Subwoofers, what do you use to drive them and why?
Actives are cheaper and are not necessarily worse than passives. If you want a passive you will need to buy a good amp and a crossover, plus more cables. When you plug in the price of a good amp & cross over, you'd probably find some fairly decent active subs.
Slappy, although I've made a comment or two about active and passive subs, I hope you don't think it was me who used the word crappy.

However, I wouldn't hesitate to use the word mediocre. As I don't believe there's one active speaker/subwoofer mfg'er yet who has received any special recognition for their beautiful amplification.

For that reason alone (there are other reasons), I would focus on the absolute best amplifier I could find and couple that with the best pair of full-range speakers that are capable of going down to the low 20Hz's or lower.

As for answering your question, the only passive sub I'm aware of is the German Physics sub which sells for about $13k.

On the other hand, the Von Schweikert VR-4 Gen III SE full-range speakers go down to 16Hz and retail for $6k and some reviewers claim this speaker to be the best speaker under $20k. If you believe them.

If the VR-4 is half of what others claim it to be, and you were able to find the right amp, You'd probably have a bottom end that no sub could approach.

Well think about it. We try so hard to isolate our amps and preamps with cones and pucks. The worst place to put an amplifier is inside a sub enclosure. However, it sure is handy and it reduces the need for component space. The key to powered/passive subs is the ability to dial them in right. If you need bass extension a sub can work. I have difficulty matching subs with speakers that cut off 50hz and above. I just finished a passive sub project. I will let you know how it sounds.