blowing maggie fuses on Mingus.

I have 3.6's connected to Bryston 7B's. I blow the tweeter fuses about once every few weeks. Admittedly, it's getting loud when they blow, but not crazy loud (not to me, anyway).

It always happened with rock, but the other day it blew in the second half of Mingus' "Betta git it in yo soul."

I wonder....

will a better amp (Rowland 201's perhaps) give me another db or two?

should I use some form of tweeter attenuation?

would the Cardas Maggie kit make any difference?

do I have to scrap my beloved Maggies and go back to boxes to go louder? I hope not. I haven't heard anything in the price range of the 3.6's that I like nearly so well, and I'm not excited about going to, say, Revel Salons, pricewise.

Any advice or thoughts would be mightily appreciated.

Add a Rel Sub (or better yet 2) and actively cross it over at 30-40hz.... Then use a sound pressure meter with a test disk to match the volume with an active crossover (bryston 10B or something like that...)

If you have to go to a box for dynamics and you like the quickness and the imaging of maggies, next step is Wilson Sophia's... that's the route I choose over MG20.1 to get that extra in dynamics.
Bryston's aren't good with speakers that are lower in impedance and lack sensitivity. Your speakers deserve better, more suitable amplification. Sean
I gently disagree with Sean. My Maggies (Tympani 1Ds) worked wonderfully with my Bryston 4B. Maybe things are different now, but I NEVER blew a fuse. And I used to, really crank those babies. If you're a rocker, however, I don't think the Maggies are the best way to go. You could do the subwoofer route, though. peace, warren

P.S. The Revels (though a bit pricey for you) may be the answer to your prayers. Something to shoot for. This will open up this thread for you. The sky is the limit, now....